The need for asymptotic notation: a case study
Big Oh
Big Omega
Multiple variables
Polynomial complexity
The negligible, the noticeable and the overwhelming
Divisibility and modular arithmetics
Primes and divisibility
Greatest common divisor and least common multiple
Euclidean algorithm
Extended Euclidean algorithm
Modular arithmetics
Finite fields
What are rings and fields?
Long division of polynomials
The general way of constructing finite fields
Isomorphisms, homomorphisms, automorphisms. Classification of all finite fields
Computations in finite fields
What is a group?
Multiplicative group in finite fields
Linear algebra
1. Matrices
2. Systems of linear equations and matrices
3. Gaussian elimination algorithm
4. Solving systems of linear equations via invertible matrices
Number theory
Probability theory
Event and probability
Probability of two events
Conditional probability
Total probability
Expected value
Game notation